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Business Regulations and the TGA

Starting your own business or adding a line of Mineral Cosmetics to your existing business is a very exciting process, but how do you know that you have all the information you need or that you are complying with Australian Standards?
As a registered Cosmetics Manufacturer we comply with the ACCC Trade Practices Act 1974 and label in accordance with the Trade Practices (Consumer Product Information Standards) (Cosmetics) Regulations 1991, including their International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient (INCI) names.
RJ Mineral Cosmetics also meet and comply with standard operating procedures, hold current worldwide product and business insurance.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is responsible for the regulation of products that make claims; Cosmetics can fall into this category though this is not always the case. We recommend that you contact the TGA with any questions you have in regards to your new Cosmetics line, and any wording or claims that you may make on your product brochures, labels etc.
The TGA can also help you with informtaion on SPF regulations that apply to a secondary sunscreen cosmetic, speak to them today about how you can market your SPF Mineral Powder Foundations.
As for advice on setting up your own business or regulations that may govern your new business, we suggest that you contact your local Business Advisory Service; these can be located in the yellow pages and have an office in every state. Discuss any GST questions you may have with you Accountant and any legal questions you may have with your lawyer.
All of the ingredients used in RJ Mineral Cosmetic formulations are Cosmetic Grade and comply with ingredients currently accepted for use in Cosmetics in Australia, the United States of America, Canada the United Kingdom and Europe, Japan and Asia.